This document is an easy-to-read reference to symbols currently recommended by the UIS. This page itself is the standard.
If the standards have been the subject of a vote, the transfer of
these standards to this page is in progress. Can you refer to the
original documents:
UIS Basic Cave Mapping Symbols (completed 1999, reviewed
UIS Karst Surface Map Symbols (completed 2006)>
UIS Artificial Cavities Mapping Symbols (completed 2022)
Ce document est une référence facile à lire aux symboles actuellement recommandé par l’UIS. Cette page elle-même constitue la norme.
Si les normes ont fait l'objet d'un vote le transfert de ces
normes sur cette page est en cours de réalisation. Vous
pouvez-vous référer aux documents originaux :
UIS Basic Cave Mapping Symbols (completed 1999, reviewed
UIS Karst Surface Map Symbols (completed 2006)>
UIS Artificial Cavities Mapping Symbols (completed 2022)
Symbols@en Symboles@fr Symbol | |
Identifier | |
files | png (100 ppp) png (600 ppp) svg |
Impenetrable Artificial Cave@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Impenetrable Dry Cave@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Impenetrable Ponor@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Impenetrable Temporary Ponor@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Impenetrable Spring@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Impenetrable captured Spring@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Impenetrable Temporary Spring@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Impenetrable Cave Unknow Water Circulation@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable horizontal artificial cave@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Animal made artificial cave@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Destroyed fortress@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Masonery fortress@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Rock cut fortress@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Rock cut apiary@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Rock cut chamber tomb@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Rock cut chamber citern@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Rock dove cut@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Rock cut trench tomb@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Rock cut refectory@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Rock cut winery@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Undergroud water work@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Rock cut kitchen@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable horizontal dry cave@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable horizontal ponor@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable horizontal cave temporary ponor@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable horizontal spring@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable horizontal cave temporary spring@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable horizontal cave unknow water circulation@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable horizontal estavelle@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Shelter@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable vertical artificial cave@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable vertical dry cave@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable vertical ponor@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable vertical cave temporary ponor@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable vertical spring@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable vertical cave temporary spring@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable vertical cave unknown water circulation@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Penetrable vertical estavelle@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Bogaz@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg marker(svg) |
Doline@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
observations | |
files | svg |
Doline rim not well defined@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Doline with steep slopes@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Field of dolines@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Uvala@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
observations | |
files | svg |
Uvala with diffuse edge@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Whaleback@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Perched blocks@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Grikes@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
observations | |
files | svg |
Kamenitsas@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Nivokarstic niche@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Karren field@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Spitzkarren field@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Covered karren field@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Covered karren field@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Rinnenkarren@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Trittkarren@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Chicot@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
observations | |
files | svg |
Cone hill@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Small scarp@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Schichttreppenkarst@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Rim of active potje@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Rim of inactive potje@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Undefined rim of active potje@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Undefined rim of inactive potje@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Fluviokarstic canyon@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
V dry valley@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
U dry valley@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Limit of underground catchment area@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Stream@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
observations | |
files | svg |
Temporary stream@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Inactive valley floor talweg@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Underground cave@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Underground river connection@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Roofless cave@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Natural arch@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Karstic infillings@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Speleothem (not tufa)@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Tufa@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
observations | |
files | svg |
Air draught@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | The size and shape can be modelled on the reality |
files | svg |
Altitude above Sealevel@en Nadmorska visina (m.n.m)@hr Hoogte boven zeeniveau@nl Altitude au-dessus du niveau de la mer@fr Höhenangaben (Seehöhe)@de Quota s.l.m.@it Wysokość nad poziomem morza@pl Altitude em relação ao nível do mar@pt Altitudinea deasupra niveluli marii@ro Nadmorska visina (m.n.m.)@sl Altitud sobre el nivel del mar@es Rakım@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
use |
![]() |
observations | It is highly recommended to write 1880 m. instead of just writing 1880. Generally maps are all to be done in SI units.@en Preporuca se da se uz visinu (u metrima) pise i mjerna jedinica ("m").@hr Het wordt aanbevolen om 1880 m. te noteren i.p.v. alleen 1880. In het algemeen worden op kaarten SI-eenheden gebruikt.@nl Il est fortement recommandé d'écrire "1880 m" au lieu de seulement "1880". En général les cartes sont toutes levées en unités du systéme international (SI).@fr Es wird empfohlen, die Höhe in Metern anzuschreiben und ein kleines "m" hintanzusetzen.@de Viene calorosamente raccomandato di scrivere 1880 m invece del solo 1880, anche se i rilievi devono comunque utilizzare le unitr del Sistema Internazionale.@it Wszystkie plany powinny być wykonane i opisane w jednostkach SI. Mimo wszystko, zaleca się, aby oznaczyć jednostkę ("1880 m"), nie poprzestając tylko na samych cyfrach ("1880"). @pl É altamente recomendável a grafia 1880m, ao invés de escrever apenas 1880. Geralmente os mapas são mensurados usando-se o Sistema Universal de Unidades.@pt E recomandat sa se scrie "1851 m" , in loc de numai "1851". In general in toate hartile trebuie utilizate unitatile sistemului international (S.I.)@ro Toplo se priporoca, da se ob visini, ki naj bo vedno podana v metrih, doda se "m.".@sl Se recomienda escribir 1880 m en vez de escribir solamente 1880. Generalmente los mapas son hechos en unidades del Sistema Internacional (SI).@es Rakım@tr |
files | svg |
Bat@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
use | |
observations | The size and shape can be modelled on the reality |
files | svg |
Bones@en Kosti@hr Botten@nl Ossements@fr Knochen@de Ossa@it Kości@pl Ossos@pt Oase@ro kosti@sl Huesos@es Kemikler@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
use |
![]() ![]() |
observations | This symbol does not need any further explanation.@en Simbol ne trazi objasnjenje.@hr Dit symbool behoeft geen verdere verklaring@nl Pas besoin de longues explications pour ce symbole ...@fr Dieses Symbol braucht keine weitere Erklärung.@de Questo simbolo non richiede ulteriori spiegazioni.@it Ten symbol nie wymaga żadnych szczególnych wyjaśnień.@pl Este símbolo não necessita explicações adicionais.@pt Nu mai e nevoie de explicatii.@ro Ta znak ne potrebuje dodatnih razlag.@sl Este símbolo no requiere explicación adicional@es Bu sembol için herhangi bir açıklamaya gerek yoktur.@tr |
files | svg |
Camp@en Bivak@hr Kamp - Bivak@nl Camp@fr Biwak@de Campo - Bivacco@it Biwak@pl Acampamento@pt Bivuac @ro Bivak@sl Campamento@es Kamp@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
use |
![]() ![]() |
observations | The size and shape can be modelled on the reality |
files | svg |
carved cross@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
carved inscription@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Cauliflower-Calcite/Disk@en Karfioli/Nakapne ploce@hr Kalk-bloemkool/Disk@nl Concrétionnement en choux-fleurs/Disques@fr Blumenkohlsinter/Disk@de Cavolfiori/Dischi di concrezione@it Grzybki kalcytowe/Dysk@pl Couve-flor/Disco@pt Clusterite–coralite/discuri@ro Karfjolce/kapniske plosce@sl Coliflor de calcita/Disco@es Karnıbahar/disk@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | These two symbols for calcite are of a regional importance and can be quite useful.@en Ova dva simbola za kalcitne ukrase su regionalnog znacaja i mogu biti prilicno korisni.@hr Deze twee symbolen voor Calciet zijn regionaal belangrijk en kunnen handig zijn.@nl Ces deux symboles ont une importance régionale et peuvent etre utiles.@fr Diese beiden Symbole sind v.a. von regionaler Bedeutung, können aber ganz brauchbar sein.@de Questi due simboli per forme particolari di concrezionamento hanno importanza locale e possono essere piuttosto utili.@it Te dwa symbole oznaczające formy kalcytu mają znaczenie regionalne i mogą być bardzo użyteczne.@pl Estes dois símbolos para concreções de calcita têm importância regional e podem ser úteis.@pt Aceste simboluri pentru calcit sunt de o importanta regionala, dar pot fi destul de utile.@ro Obe oznaki manjsih kapniskih oblik sta lokalne pomembnosti in znata biti zelo uporabni.@sl Estos dos símbolos para designar a la calcita poseen importancia regional y puede ser útiles@es Kalsit için bu iki sembol bölgesel öneme sahiptir ve sıklıkla kullanılabilir.@tr |
files | svg |
ceramic finds@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Clastic sediments: Sand - Silt - Clay - Humus@en Klasticni sedimenti: Pijesak - Mulj - Glina - Humus@hr Sedimenten: Zand - Zilt - Klei/Leem - Humus@nl Sédiments clastiques : Sable, limon, argile et humus@fr Klastische Sedimente: Sand - Schlamm - Lehm - Erde@de Sedimento fine: Sabbia - Limo - Argilla - Humus@it Osady klastyczne: Piasek - Żwir - Glina - Humus@pl Sedimento Clástico: Areia - Silte - Argila - Humus@pt Sedimente clastice: nisip-mal-argila-humus@ro Klasticni sedimenti: Pesek - mulj - glina (blato) - prst@sl Sedimentos clásticos: Arena - Limo - Arcilla - Humus@es Klastik sedimanlar: kum, silt, kil, humus@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | With the exception of humus this group is a sediment whose grain size and therefore names.....@en Svi u ovoj grupi, s iznimkom humusa, spadaju u sedimente cija velicina zrna.........@hr Met uitzondering van Humus, bestaat deze groep uit sedimenten waarvan de korrelgrootte.........@nl A l'exception de l'humus, ce groupe représente un sédiment dont ........@fr Mit Ausnahme von Erde (Humus) besteht diese Klasse aus Sedimenten,..........@de Con l'eccezione dell'humus, questa categoria raggruppa sedimenti la cui dimensione,.............@it Za wyjątkiem humusu, ta grupa to osady, których wielkość ziarna, ..............@pl Com a exceção do humus, esta categoria agrupa sedimentos .................@pt Cu exceptia humusului, acest grup reprezinta un sediment a carui dimensiune a particulelor..............@ro V tej skupini so z izjemo zemlje sedimenti, pri katerih je velikost delcev in tudi ime odvisna...........@sl Con exepción del humus, este grupo corresponde a sedimentos cuyo tamaño..........@es Bu grup sedimanlardan humus hariç, tane boyu olanların isimleri, ...... @tr |
files | svg |
Clay-Covered Walls@en Glinom prekrivene stijene@hr Klei-bedekte wanden@nl Parois couvertes d'argile@fr Lehmüberzogene Wände@de Pareti ricoperte di argilla@it Ściany pokryte gliną@pl Parede coberta de Argila@pt Argila-pereti acoperiti cu argila@ro Z glino prekrite stene@sl Arcilla-Paredes cubiertas@es Kille Sıvanmış Duvar@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | This symbol can be used to show flooded zones.....@en Ovaj simbol moze se rabiti i pri prikazu poplavljenih dijelova.....@hr Dit symbool kan worden gebruikt voor onderwaterzones.....@nl Ce symbole peut aussi etre utilisé pour montrer les zones temporairement noyées.....@fr Dieses Symbol kann dazu verwendet werden, Stauzonen zu kennzeichnen.....@de Questo simbolo pun essere usato anche per evidenziare zone di permanenza di livelli idrici.....@it Tym symbolem można zaznaczać strefy okresowo zalewane......@pl Este símbolo pode ser usado para representar regiões alagadas.....@pt Acest simbol poate fi de asemenea utilizat pentru a arata zonele temporar inundate.....@ro Ta znak se lahko uporabi tudi za prikaz obcasno zalitih delov jame.....@sl Este símbolo puede ser usado para mostrar zonas de inundación.....@es Bu sembol taşkın zonlarını göstermekte kullanılmaktadır.....@tr |
files | svg |
column@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
observations | |
files | svg |
Crystals@en Kristali@hr kristallen@nl Cristaux@fr Kristalle@de Cristalli@it Kryształy@pl Cristais (Flores)@pt Cristale@ro kristali@sl Cristales@es Kristaller@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | |
files | svg |
destroyed place of workship@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
direction of cut@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
divergence point@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Gradient Arrows/Entrance Arrow@en Smjer nagiba/Ulazna strelica@hr Daal-pijlen/Ingangs-pijl@nl Flèche de gradient/Flèche indiquant l'entrée de la cavité@fr Gefällepfeile/Eingangspfeil@de Freccia di gradiente/Freccia per l'ingresso@it Kierunek nachylenia dna/Strzałka wskazująca otwór@pl Seta de gradiente/Seta de entrada@pt Directie de panta/Sageata indicand intrarea@ro Gradient Lines@en Slojnice (nagibne linije)@hr Overgangslijnen@nl Lignes de gradient@fr Gefällelinien@de Linee di Gradiente@it Linie rzeźby terenu@pl Linhas de gradiente@pt Liniile de panta@ro Naklonske crte@sl Líneas de gradiente@es Eğim yönü çizgisi@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() |
observations | The differentiation between gradient arrows inside and outside the cave is now omitted......@en Ne postoje vise razlicite strelice koje bi oznacavale smjer nagiba unutar i izvan objekta....@hr Het verschil tussen de daalpijlen binnen en buiten de grot is nu te negeren.....@nl La différentiation entre flèches de gradient à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de la cavité a été supprimée.....@fr Die Unterscheidung zwischen Gefällepfeilen innerhalb und ausserhalb der Höhle wurde weggelassen.....@de La distinzione fra frecce di gradiente interne od esterne alla cavitr viene abolita.....@it Zrezygnowano z rozróżnienia pomiędzy strzałkami wskazującymi kierunek upadu na zewnątrz i wewnątrz jaskini....@pl A diferença entre setas de gradiente dentro e fora da caverna foi omitida.....@pt Diferente dintre directia de panta din pestera si cea din exteriorul pesterii a fost eliminata.....@ro Razlike med naklonskimi puscicami izven in znotraj jame so bile opuscene.....@sl La diferencia entre las flechas de gradiente adentro y afuera de la cueva fueron eliminadas.....@es Mağara içindeki ve dışındaki eğim yönü çizgileri arasındaki farklar şu anda ihmal edilmiştir.@tr Gradient lines are the most common methods to illustrate the ground structure.......@en Slojnice su uobicajena metoda da se prikaze oblik tla.....@hr Om de bodemstructuur aan te geven worden meestal overgangslijnen gebruikt.....@nl Les lignes de gradient sont la méthode la plus utilisée pour illustrer la structure du sol.....@fr Gefällelinien sind der gebräuchlichste Weg, die Bodenstruktur von Gängen und Hallen zu beschreiben.....@de Le linee di gradiente sono il metodo piue comune per illustrare la struttura del suolo.....@it Linie rzeźby terenu są najczęściej wykorzystywanym sposobem prezentacji reliefu spągu.....@pl Linhas de gradiente é um método comum para se ilustrar a estrutura do solo.....@pt Sunt cea mai intalnita metoda de reprezentare a structurii solului.....@ro Naklonske crte so najobicajnejsa metoda prikazovanja oblike tal.....@sl Las líneas de gradiente es el método más común para ilustrar la estructura del suelo.....@es Mağara içindeki ve dışındaki eğim yönü çizgileri arasındaki farklar şu anda ihmal edilmiştir.....@tr Eğim yönü çizgisi@tr |
files | svg |
Guano@en Guano@hr Guano@nl Guano@fr Guano@de Guano@it Guano@pl Guano@pt Guano@ro Guano@sl Guano@es Guano@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | |
files | svg |
handhole cut@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
handhole plan@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Helictites@en Heliktiti@hr Excentrieken@nl Excentriques - Helictites@fr Exzentriker@de Concrezione eccentrica@it Heliktyty@pl Helectites(Flores)@pt Helictite@ro Heliktiti@sl Helictitas@es Heliktit@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | |
files | svg |
hole with wooden remains@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Human Activity@en Ljudska aktivnost@hr Menselijke activiteit@nl Traces d'activité humaine@fr Menschliche Artefakte@de Modificazioni umane@it Aktywność ludzka@pl Atividade Humana@pt Urme de activitate antropica@ro Clovekove spremembe oz. ostanki@sl Activdad humana@es İnsan Aktivitesi@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | This symbol is used for human artifacts in caves, including e.g. art....ifacts!@en Ovaj simbol se koristi za ljudski napravljene promjene i/ili artifakte u spiljama....@hr Dit symbool wordt gebruikt voor menselijke....nderingen.@nl Ce symbole est utilisé pour indiquer les restes....storiques!@fr Dieses Symbol zeigt von Menschen hervorgerufene Veränderungen in Höhlen wie z.B. Höhlenzeichnungen,.....@de Questo simbolo viene utilizzato per modifiche di origine umana e/o reperti, ivi compresi dipinti,.....@it Ten symbol jest użyteczny dla wszelkich śladów aktywności ludzkiej w jaskiniach, w szczególności np......@pl Este símbolo é usado para alterações humanas na cavidade e/ou artefatos encontrados em cavernas, incluindo, por exemplo, obr....stóricas.@pt Acest simbol e folosit pentru a indica urmele lasate sau modificarile facute de om intr-o pestera. De exemplu:.....@ro Ta znak se uporablja za clovekove posege in ostanke v jamskem okolju. Tako jamske slikarije, loncevino, ostanke rudnikov kot cloveske kosti......@sl Este símbolo se utiliza para identificar los restos o los cambios hechos por el hombre en una cueva, por ejemplo, obr....stóricos!@es Bu sembol mağaralarda, insan etkisi ile yapılan ve/veya kalıntıları kapsamaktadır. Örneğin, resimleme....@tr |
files | svg |
Ice@en Led@hr Ijs@nl Glace@fr Eis@de Ghiaccio@it Lód@pl Gelo@pt Gheata@ro led@sl Hielo@es Buz@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | |
files | svg |
junction point@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | |
observations | |
files | svg |
Lake/Flowing Water@en Jezero/Vodeni tok@hr Meer/Stromend water@nl Lac/eau courante@fr Seen und fliessende Gewässer@de Lago/Corso d'acqua@it Jezioro/Ciek wodny@pl Lago/Curso d'água@pt Lac/Apa curgatoare@ro Jezero/vodni tok@sl Lago/Curso de agua@es Göl/Su akışı@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | |
files | svg |
machinery@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
masonry place of worship@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
moonmilk@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | |
files | svg |
north arrow cartesic plan@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() |
observations | |
files | svg |
north arrow geographic plan@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() |
observations | |
files | svg |
North Arrow Magnetic@en Magnetski sjever@hr Noordpijl Magnetisch Noorden@nl Nord magnétique@fr Magnetisch Nord@de Nord Magnetico@it Północ magnetyczna@pl Norte Magnético@pt Directia nord magnetic@ro Magnetni sever@sl Flecha de norte magnético@es Manyetik Kuzey Oku@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() |
observations | On several maps, information on declination is missing or is incomplete....@en Na nekim zemljovidima, nedostaje ili je nepotpun podatak o deklinaciji,....@hr Op verschillende kaarten mist de informatie over declinatie of is incompleet.....@nl Sur de nombreuses cartes, l'information sur la déclinaison n'est pas disponible ou incomplète,.....@fr Auf vielen Plänen fehlen die Angaben zur Deklination oder sind unvollständig,....@de Su diverse carte, le informazioni sulla declinazione magnetica sono mancanti o incomplete,....@it Na wielu mapach informacja o deklinacji jest zdawkowa lub wręcz nie występuje,......@pl Em diversos mapas, a informação da declinação magnética está incompleta ou é inexistente, tornando o cálculo do norte geográfico quuase impossível......@pt Pe multe harti informatiile privind declinarea sunt incomplete sau chiar lipsesc, nepermitand calcularea nordului geografic.......@ro Na stevilnih nacrtih ni podatka o azimutu oziroma je le ta pomankljiv, kar naredi izracun geografskega severa skoraj nemogoc.......@sl En varios mapas la información sobre la declinación no se encuentra o está incompleta, lo que hace el cálculo del norte geográfico casi imposible.....@es Bir çok haritada, sapma ile ilgili bilgi verilmediğinden yada tam olmadığından dolayı coğrafik kuzeyin hesaplanması mümkün değildir. Bunun yanısıra, normal kuzey oku coğrafik.....@tr |
files | svg |
Outline of a Gallery@en Stijene kanala/ galerije@hr gang-omlijning@nl Dessin de galerie@fr Gangumriss@de Contorno della cavitr@it Przebieg ścian korytarza@pl Contorno da galeria@pt Conturul galeriei@ro Stene rova@sl Contorno de la cueva@es Galeri Dış Çizgisi@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | |
files | svg |
painted inscription@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
pillar cut off at the base@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | |
observations | |
files | svg |
pillar cut off at the ceiling@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | > |
observations | |
files | svg |
Survey Points@en Mjerne tocke@hr Meetpunten@nl Point de relevé principal@fr Messpunkte@de Caposaldo principale@it Punkty ciągu pomiarowego@pl Bases topográficas@pt Punct topographic principal@ro Merilne tocke@sl Estaciones topográficas@es Ölçüm Noktası@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | The main survey points have been kept in the list, but often they are no longer shown on fair copies.@en Glavne mjerne tocke ostale su na popisu simbola, iako se cesto prikazuju samo na radnom orginalu.@hr De hoofdmeetpunten worden meestal niet meer afgebeeld, maar ze blijven bewaard in een lijst.@nl Les principaux points de relevé ont été gardés dans la liste, bien qu'ils soient souvent supprimés sur les topographies définitives.@fr Die Messpunkte sind noch in der Liste verblieben, obwohl sie vielfach in den Reinzeichnungen nicht mehr verwendet werden.@de I capisaldi principali sono stati mantenuti nella simbologia, ma /egraven facoltativo riportarli sul rilievo finale.@it Symbol głównych punktów ciągu pomiarowego został umieszczony na liście, mimo to, że w ostatecznej wersji rysunków często ciąg pomiarowy jest pomijany.@pl As bases topográficas principais foram mantidas na lista, porém elas não são obrigatórias no mapa final.@pt Principalele puncte topografice au fost pastrate in lista, chiar daca multe sunt inlaturate din topografiile definitive.@ro Glavne merilne tocke so ostale v seznamu, vendar se jih na nacrte pogosto ne rise vec.@sl Las estaciones topográficas principales se mantienen en la lista, pero frecuentemente no se conservan en las copias en limpio.@es Ana ölçüm noktaları listede korunmuştur fakat sıklıkla temiz kopyalarda gösterilmemektedir.@tr |
files | svg |
continuation Possible@en Moguci nastavak@hr mogelijke doorgang@nl Continuation possible@fr Fortsetzung möglich@de Prosecuzione possibile@it Możliwa kontynuacja@pl Continuação possível@pt Continuare posibila@ro Mozno nadaljevanje@sl Posible continuación@es Muhtemel Kol@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | |
files | svg |
Presumed dimensions of space@en Pretpostavljena velicina kanala/ galerije@hr Geschatte maten van de ruimte@nl Dimensions spatiales présumées@fr Geschätzte Gangdimensionen@de Dimensioni presunte della cavitr@it Szacowane wymiary korytarza@pl Dimensão presumida@pt Dimensiuni spatiale presupuse@ro Predvidena veliksot prostora@sl Dimensiones inferidas de espacio@es Tahmini boşluk boyutu@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | as before. The dashes should be long and the spacing narrow (see "underlying passages").@en Kao i do sada. Da ne bi doslo do mijesanja sa simbolom za kanal na vise etaza, crtice bi trebale biti duge, a razmaci kratki.@hr Spreekt voor zich. De streepjes moeten lang en de ruimte ertussen klein zijn (zie “onderliggende gangen”).@nl Comme auparavant. Il est recommandé de dessiner des pointillés longs faiblement espacés (voir ci-dessus "Croisement de galeries").@fr Wie zuvor. Die Striche sollten lang sein und die Abstände dazwischen kurz. (vergl. "Unterlagernde Gänge")@de invariato. Per distinguere questo simbolo da quello di cavitr sottoposta, i tratti devono essere lunghi, con spaziatura breve.@it Jak poprzednio. Kreski powinny być długie, a odstępy krótkie (patrz "korytarz poniżej")@pl Conforme o anterior. Os traços devem ser longos e os espaços menores (vide "passagem inferior").@pt La fel ca inainte. Liniutele trebuie sa fie lungi cu spatii mici intre ele.@ro Kot do zdaj. Da ne bi prihajalo do mesanja z znakom za spodaj lezec rov, morajo biti crtice dolge in prekinitve kratke.@sl Como antes. Las líneas punteadas deben dibujarse largas y poco espaciadas (ver "pasaje inferior").@es Önceki ile Aynı. Kesikli çizgiler uzun, aralarındaki boşluk dar olmalı (bakınız "altta kalan galeri").@tr |
files | svg |
rock cut ceiling ring@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
rock cut pit@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
rock cut place of worship@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
rock cut surface@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
rock cut wall ring@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
shaft with raised edges@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
siner@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
use | |
observations | |
files | svg |
spaghetti@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | |
files | svg |
Stalagmites@en Stalagmiti@hr Stalagmieten@nl Stalagmites@fr Stalagmiten@de Stalagmiti@it Stalagmity@pl Estalagmite@pt Stalagmite@ro Stalagmiti@sl Estalagmita@es Dikit@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | |
files | svg |
Stalactites@en Stalaktiti@hr Stalactieten@nl Stalactites@fr Stalaktiten@de Stalattiti@it Stalaktyty@pl Estalactite@pt Stalactite@ro Stalaktiti@sl Estalactitas@es Sarkıt@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | |
files | svg |
Blocks/Debris@en Blokovi/Krslje@hr Blokken/rol-steentjes@nl Blocs/débris@fr Blockwerk/Geröll@de Massi/Detriti a spigoli vivi@it Bloki skalne/piarg@pl Blocos/Entulho@pt Blocuri/Prabusiri@ro Bloki/grusc@sl Bloques/Detritos@es Blok kayalar/Moloz@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | as before. The size and shape can be modelled on the reality.@en Kao i do sada. Blokovi (velicina i oblik) se modeliraju prema stvarnima.@hr Spreekt voor zich. Het formaat kan gemodelleerd worden naar de werkelijkheid.@nl Comme auparavant. La taille des symboles peut etre proportionnée à la réalité.@fr wie zuvor. Die Grösse und Form kann sich bei grösserem Blockwerk an der Realität orientieren.@de invariato. La grafica pun essere rappresentativa delle dimensioni reali.@it jak poprzednio. Rozmiar i kształt mogą być wzorowane na rzeczywistości w terenie.@pl Conforme o anterior. O tamanho pode ser modelado conforme as dimensões reais.@pt La fel ca inaine. Marimea simbolului poate fi proportionata cu realitatea.@ro Kot do zdaj. Velikost naj bi prikazovala dejansko stanje.@sl Como antes. El tamaño y forma puede representar las dimensiones reales.@es Önceki ile Aynı. Büyüklük ve şekil gerçeğe uygun olarak çizilmelidir.@tr |
files | svg |
Sump@en Sifon@hr sifon - watergevulde gang@nl Siphon@fr Siphon@de Sifone@it Syfon@pl Sifão@pt Sifon@ro Sifon@sl Sifón@es Sifon@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | as before. As an option it is possible to stop the crosshatching in order to draw the characteristics of the sump....@en Kao i do sada. Opcionalno je moguce prekinuti srafiranje, da se nacrtaju karakteristike sifona. Ova mogucnost, korisna u dugim sifonima,...@hr Spreekt voor zich. Als optie bestaat de mogelijkheid om de kruisarcering te onderbreken om de karakteristieken van de sifon te tekenen....@nl Comme auparavant. En option, il est possible d'interrompre les hachures croisées afin de dessiner les caractéristiques du siphon....@fr wie zuvor. Als Option wird vorgeschlagen, die Kreuzschraffur zu unterbrechen, um die Charakteristiken des Siphons zu zeichnen. Diese Möglichkeit,...@de invariato. Come opzione, c possibile interrompere la campitura incrociata per mostrare dettagli del sifone. Questa possibilitr, utile soprattutto in sifoni lunghi,...@it jak poprzednio. Opcjonalnie można przerwać kreskowanie w celu narysowania szczegółów syfonu. Ta możliwość, szczególnie przydatna w przypadku długich syfonów,...@pl Conforme o anterior. Como opção é possível parar a hachura cruzada para se desenhar as características do sifão. Esta possibilidade, especialmente útil em sifões extensos,...@pt La fel ca inainte. Optional se pot intrerupe hasurile pentru a se putea desena caracteristicile sifonului. Aceasta posibilitate, utila mai ales la sifoanele lungi, e de asemene aratata.@ro Kot do zdaj. Vzporednice lahko tudi prekinemo, ce zelimo dorisati znacilnosti sifona. Ta moznost, ki je se posebej uporabna v daljsih sifonih, je prikazana na skici.@sl Como antes. Como una opción, es posible detener el achurado de líneas cruzadas con el fin de dibujar las características del sifón....@es Önceki ile Aynı. Çapraz çizgileri sifonun başladığı yerde bitirmekde bir seçenektir. Bu seçeneğin,...@tr |
files | svg |
superimposed cut-marks@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
Too narrow Continuation@en Preuski prolaz@hr te nauwe doorgang@nl Continuations trop étroites@fr Fortsetzung zu eng@de Prosecuzione troppo stretta@it Zwężenie niemożliwe do przejścia@pl Continuação estreita@pt Impenetrabil@ro Preozko nadaljevanje@sl Continuación muy angosta@es Daralan Kol@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | |
files | svg |
Underlying Passage@en Kanal na nizoj etazi@hr Onderliggende gang@nl Croisement de galeries@fr Unterlagernde Gänge@de Cavitr sottoposta@it Korytarz poniżej@pl Passagem inferior@pt Galerii suprapuse@ro Spodaj lezeci rov@sl Pasaje inferior@es Altta Kalan Galeri@tr Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
use | ![]() ![]() |
observations | As an additional help to distinguish the lower from the upper passage...@en Da bi se kanal na nizoj etazi jace razlikovao od gornjeg kanala,...@hr Om de lagere gang te kunnen onderscheiden van de hogere gang, is het aan te raden om de lijnen....@nl De façon à distinguer la galerie inférieure de la galerie supérieure...@fr Als zusätzliche Hilfe, um unterlagernde von den Gängen darüber zu unterscheiden, wird empfohlen....@de Come indicazione ulteriore per distinguere la cavitr sottostante dalla sovrapposta....@it Dla łatwego rozróżnienia pomiędzy górnym a dolnym korytarzem, zaleca się przerwać linię dolnego korytarza przed przecięciem.....@pl Como ajuda adicional para se distinguir a passagem inferior da superior é recomendado descontinuar a linha da galeria inferior antes dela alcançar a superior.....s.@pt Ca si ajutor in distingerea galeriei inferioare fata de cea superioara......@ro Da bi se spodaj lezeci rov lazje locilo od zgornjega, se svetuje, da se crto spodnjega rova zakljuci malo preden doseze steno zgornjega rova.....@sl Como una ayuda adicional para distinguir el pasaje inferior del superior.....@es Üst galeri ile alt galerinin ayırt edilmesinde ek bir yardım olarak; alttaki galerinin dış çizgisi üst galeriye yaklaştığı yerde bitirilmesi.....@tr |
files | svg |
well@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol | |
observations | |
files | svg |
wooden finds@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | |
files | svg |
stay on established trails@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | Stay on established trails to minimize impact. |
files | svg |
avoid touching microbial mats@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | Avoid touching microbial mats and geomicrobial communities |
files | svg |
no smoking or fires@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | No smoking or campfires in caves or near cave entrances |
files | svg |
no drugs or alcohol@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | No recreational drugs or alcohol while caving |
files | svg |
wear gloves@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | Wear gloves to prevent contaminating surfaces |
files | svg |
clean gear for pristine areas@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | Use clean gear to prevent contamination |
files | svg |
remove all waste@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | Remove all solid and liquid wastes from the cave |
files | svg |
avoid dropping food particles@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | Avoid dropping crumbs and food particles |
files | svg |
stay on established trails@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | Stay on established trails to minimize impact |
files | svg |
move carefully@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | Move carefully to avoid disturbing the cave environment |
files | svg |
take nothing from caves@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | Take nothing from caves unless authorized for research |
files | svg |
leave no trace@en Symbol | |
identifier | |
symbol |
observations | Leave no evidence of your visit |
files | svg |